About us
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Who we are?

The Great Field Investments is a capital enhancement platform. We focus on commodities trading where risks are down to minimal. We have a management team that is professional with a combined experience of over 50 years in the global commodities market. Our markets are East Africa and the Middle East. Our current business setup consists of more than 5 offices across these two regions, we feel the pulse of the business environment at our fingertips.

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What we do?
Economy, Efficiency and Effectiveness, we practice the (3E) mantra in all our business modules. We identify opportunities for trading of targeted products that have good margin, and then engage with potential buyers. Once we have finalized the contracts with the buyers through our various holding vehicles around the globe, we proceed with executing the transaction using the funds entrusted to us by your investment.
We have been doing this for manganese, where we import from Zambia, for several years with an above market return on investment for our investors. The contracts signed with our customers and investors are governed by Dubai law, making it a safe vehicle for high-yield investment.
With our experience in the Middle Eastern market, we operate on the conservative side with regards to risks. Considering the current geopolitical situation, we always aim to keep our cards close and do not take any amount of risk. Our risk-management strategy is explained to all investors before we proceed with any investment.
We have been operating with market synergies when it comes to the two markets, for example we import manganese from East Africa to the Middle East, and then export bitumen from the Middle East to East Africa. Using our in-house logistics team, we have reduced our cost per ton of freight and insurance to a minimal level, making our prices extremely competitive for our customers.
We also prefer to have our logistics in-house, and with our two decades of experience in this industry, we are able to control the supply chain and document flow to ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.
We have been working with trade houses and commodity traders from all over the world to facilitate trade in the two regions of: East Africa and the Middle East. We have the connections and experience needed to be able to procure, transport, and deliver a range of different commodities, having traded in oil and gas, petrochemicals, bitumen, road construction equipment and machinery, agro-products, fertilizers, and other commodities.
GF has planned to enter into the retail space in 2020 in three cities across the Middle East, with the aim to have farmland to shelf control of the supply chain. We will also use the vast network and connections that we have built to be able to procure our goods and gain market share in the localities that we will start with.